Drumming – A Stress-Relief for IAS Aspirants
The Stressful Life Of An IAS Aspirant
The most prevalent issues IAS Aspirants – Chinmaya have are stress and anxiety. Preparing for the UPSC conducted exam is not easy. It is, after all, one of the toughest competitions in India. The number of students who sit for it and the number of candidates who get accepted are widely disparate. The outcome is a constant pressure to do better, get better marks, and clear the three phases of the IAS exam. This continuous pressure ultimately transforms into anxiety, stress, and at times, depression.
It is a fact widely accepted that apprehension, nervousness, and strain hinder the studies of a person. Therefore, it becomes critical to find methods and strategies to reduce stress and tension. While countless methods do aid in lessening the pressure of civil servant life, sometimes they do not work. To that end, we take a look at a unique way of relieving the anxiety of IAS aspirants – drumming.
Benefits Of Drumming For All Students
Before diving into how a civil service candidate can reduce stress through drumming, we take a look at its benefits. The value of learning any musical instrument at a young age has been long researched and proven. Drums are no different. When a kid learns to drum, these are paybacks he or she gets:
· Ability to focus their attention on a single activity for long periods.
· Increase in concentration and absorption of the subject matter.
· Strengthening of math and other scientific skill due to the percussion rhythm and beats of the drums.
· Both left and right side of the brain is stimulated and developed.
Playing the drum means listening to music while commanding various body parts to move and create music. All this is done along with the brain understanding the beat and the rhythm. Overall, both the left and right side of the brain are utilised. Thus, the analytical part of the brain is enhanced, i.e., the left and the creative part too, i.e., the right. More and more neural networks on both sides of the brain interconnect, leading to a stronger mind.
· Physical fitness of the student is improved. Constant drumming increases the blood flow and the heart rate of the person. Drumming requires movement of:
o Fingers
o Hands
o Wrists
o Elbows
o Arms
o Shoulders
o Legs
Effectively, the complete body is involved in the process, which means that the entire physique stays in shape.
How Can Drumming Relieve Academic Stress Of IAS Aspirants?
It will come to no-one’s surprise that IAS aspirants have a hectic study schedule. Taking even a 15min break to drum helps get rid of stress and relax both the body and the mind. Here’s how it happens:
· When you play the drums, all the frustration and disappointment of not scoring enough in the mock test or not grasping a concept is removed. Thinks of the runner’s high athletes get after a marathon. Drumming for a few minutes does the same. It releases endorphins in the body, which make you feel good. Moreover, the vibrations of the drums help you release all the negative stored in your cells.
· As mentioned earlier, drumming requires working both sides of the brain. This increases brain activity, which in turn raises the IQ level. In other words, drumming boosts your brainpower, which can help an IAS aspirant perform better in academics. For instance, drummers need to count the beats, which can help grasp the concept of intervals, frequencies, and fractions.
Essentially, civil services candidates need a therapeutic tool to say adios to stress, anxiety, tension, and pressure. Drums are one of the best and unique tools for it. Therefore, next time, the burden of studying for the IAS exam gets too much, or you are fatigued by the constant effort, take out those drum sticks and get to it! A few minutes later, your concentration will be better, and mental health will be fitter. here – https://www.jagranjosh.com/articles/stress-management-during-ias-preparation-1448614240-1 – you check out the various stress management tips for IAS aspirants.